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This chart shows the average return, by month, for the S&P 500 SPX. The red line shows average trading volume

00:01 - 03/05/18



America has become the largest exporter of turbulence thx to Trump comments und rising rates: Global market volatility now a ‘Made in the USA’ phenomenon. Implied vol of US stocks runs consistently higher than in Europe for first time since GFC



Apple has dropped $300 BILLION buying back stock since 2013. That's 33% of its current market cap. It's also bigger than the market caps of Walmart, Wells Fargo, AND Intel



This chart shows year-over-year CapEx growth for S&P 500 companies. That means the amount of money companies are spending to upgrade or maintain property, buildings, or equipment. CapEx is currently growing at its FASTEST pace since 2011



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