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Wall Street: What if you invested $10,000 into a popular stock two years ago? How much would you have today?

00:01 - 18/05/18


Your answer: • NVDA $62,111 • MU $54,205 • NFLX $37,148 • AMD $32,561 • BA $25,920 • ADBE $25,204 • AMZN $22,579 • AAPL $17,961


Buffett Thinks Bonds Are A ‘Terrible Investment’ But, According To His Own Methods, Stocks Look Even Worse



Nike traded as high as $71.51 today. That's an ALL-TIME high. That also means it's up 39,500% since its 1980 IPO



Fortune 500 CEOs are paid from double to 5,000 times more than their employees



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