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Markets are again proving immune to violence: Stocks have a history of rallying after riots, from the US in 1968 to London in 2011. S&P 500 plunged in 1969, but the social and political trauma of 1968 wasn’t reflected contemporaneously in stocks

00:01 - 02/06/20



Consistent with the very sharp disconnect between markets and the economy



Lots of precedent for massive social stress and discord to have little impact on equities. Doesn't mean it's good either, of course, but stocks can rally despite major stress in society. 1964 a great example



Layoffs have hit U.S. tech companies hard since the pandemic started there in March. The industry has cut more than 40,000 jobs, with big reductions at Uber, Airbnb and Lyft. Hobbling that industry will have a big impact on the broader U.S. economy



A small cluster of hedge funds managed by women has outperformed those run by men through the coronavirus crisis, new data show, highlighting the industry’s long-running lack of progress in fixing its gender imbalance



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