| Ειδήσεις - Αναλύσεις | Ο Κυνηγός | Λεωφόρος Αθηνών | "Κουλου - Βάχατα" | +/- | Fundamentalist | Marx - Soros | Start Trading |




The permanent loss of productive capacity as a result of the COVID19 pandemic would trigger severe setbacks to development efforts in low-income developing countries, including undoing the gains in poverty reduction of the last 7 to 10 years

00:01 - 03/09/20



"With activity at just two-thirds of pre-virus levels, the U.S. is the worst performing of the advanced economies Bloomberg Economics is tracking."



Macy's is seeing demand starting to return as the critical holiday season approaches



Australia fell into its first recession in almost 30 years



Job gains were mostly in minimum wage sectors



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