| Ειδήσεις - Αναλύσεις | Ο Κυνηγός | Λεωφόρος Αθηνών | "Κουλου - Βάχατα" | +/- | Fundamentalist | Marx - Soros | Start Trading |




Chinese stocks have rallied to a five-year peak on growing evidence the world’s biggest emerging market is recovering from the coronavirus blow

00:01 - 06/07/20



How the pandemic is changing the outlook for peak oil



Surprised? (We are)... Chinese stocks breaking out.



The COVID19 impact is set to wipe out several years of income gains in sub-Saharan Africa. Real per capita GDP in the region is projected to contract by 5.4% in 2020



IMF: We project Asia’s economic output in 2022 to be about 5 percent lower compared with the level predicted before the crisis



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