| Ειδήσεις | Ο Κυνηγός | Λεωφόρος Αθηνών | "Κουλου - Βάχατα" | +/- | "Μας ακούνε" | Fundamentalist | Marx - Soros | Start Trading |



Τα Διαγράμματα της ημέρας


Καθημερινά διαγράμματα από τον κόσμο των αγορών

Επικοινωνήστε μαζί



Βearish sentiment spike almost as big as March 2020 when stocks crashed 30%

00:01 - 02/10/23




King Dollar




US commercial bank lending has slowed to a crawl, with 6-month annualised growth falling from 14.7% in August 2022, to just 0.6%.




One of America’s key structural vulnerabilities from 1970 to 2019 was its reliance on foreign energy. This meant up/down cycles in the price of oil triggered down/up cycles in the USD




This is the type of chart that should trigger interesting discussions among market participants and analysts.





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