| Ειδήσεις | Ο Κυνηγός | Λεωφόρος Αθηνών | "Κουλου - Βάχατα" | +/- | "Μας ακούνε" | Fundamentalist | Marx - Soros | Start Trading |



Τα Διαγράμματα της ημέρας


Καθημερινά διαγράμματα από τον κόσμο των αγορών

Επικοινωνήστε μαζί



The forward 12-month P/E ratio for SPX of 20.5 is above the 5-year average (19.2) and above the 10-year average (17.8). earnings

00:01 - 03/06/24




Buyback binge in 2024





Hedge Funds build largest long Gold position in more than 4 years




Argentina's Peso has plummeted to an an all-time low against the U.S. Dollar on the Black Market (which is where Argentinians go to convert to USD)




Wheat hit a 10-month high on supply concerns





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