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Global Equity Returns this year

00:01 - 08/10/24




Average Hourly Earnings in the US increased 4% over the last year, well above expectations for a 3.7% increase. The CPI Inflation Rate will likely fall to 2.3% in September, meaning a 1.7% positive spread of wage growth over price increases, the highest we've seen in years.




Since WWII, average volatility for U.S. stocks in October is 34% above average for other 11 months of year per CFRA




Global food prices saw the largest jump in 2.5 years in September, with sugar prices leading an across-the-board increase for commodities including wheat and edible oil




The US Unemployment Rate moved down to 4.1% in September from 4.2% in August and 4.3% in July. Remains well below the historical average of 5.7%.





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