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Καθημερινά διαγράμματα από τον κόσμο των αγορών

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To understand why Brent oil jumped and then slumped $40 a barrel in little over two weeks, take a look behind the scenes

00:01 - 17/03/22




Chinese stocks listed on U.S. exchanges soar, rebounding from a steep selloff, after China vowed to keep its stock market stable and support overseas share listings




Beijing Capitulates: Chinese Stocks Soar, Hong Kong Markets Jump By Most Ever After China Vows To Prop Up Markets




Back in *mid-October*, Morgan Stanley's quant team warned Chinese stocks were vulnerable to a volatility shock. A divergence from spiking China HY credit risk rarely lasts, they said, and yet nobody in the stock market was paying enough attention.




Javier Blas: If Russian oil output falls as much, as stays there into late spring and early summer, the @IEA balances show big stock-draws in 2Q-3Q that necessarily will require demand destruction (that means higher prices). OECD oil stocks are already at at the lowest level since April 2014





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