Investors are pulling back from their record pessimism about
stocks amid speculation that inflation has peaked, marking a
break in the “apocalyptically bearish” sentiment that had
gripped markets, Bank of America’s monthly fund manager
survey shows |
00:01 - 18/08/22 |
Demand for euro banknotes has dwindled since the ECB
concluded its eight-year experiment with negative interest
rates, suggesting households, businesses and banks are
dissolving cash piles created to circumvent deposit charges |
Two new ETFs tracking SPY's volatility give everyday
investors ways to bet like Wall Street speculators |
US Consumer Borrowing Jumps by More Than $40 Billion,
Second-Most Ever – Bloomberg |
Foreign investors pull the most money out of Canadian stocks
in 15 years amid fears that recession would hit an equity
market that’s highly sensitive to cyclical economic change |