A stock market crash isn't the end of the world. A bond
market crash IS when you have $300 trillion in debt. |
00:01 - 24/10/22 |
The Fed's balance sheet hit its lowest level of the year
this week, down $222 billion from its peak in April and $89
billion over the last 5 weeks. This is the largest 5-week
decline since July 2020. The Fed is finally starting to ramp
up the pace of QT |
estimates that Tesla has already delivered over 500,000
Model Ys this year and is on track to deliver 760,000 by the
end of 2022, making it one of the 5 best selling vehicles in
the world |
The US Budget deficit is widening again, hitting a 6-month
high of $1.375 trillion in September (YoY change) |
As UK pensions dumped assets in recent weeks, CVC Credit
made an unusual choice: it kicked off a sale of bonds backed
by a portfolio of leveraged loans |