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Καθημερινά διαγράμματα από τον κόσμο των αγορών

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A stock market crash isn't the end of the world. A bond market crash IS when you have $300 trillion in debt.

00:01 - 24/10/22




The Fed's balance sheet hit its lowest level of the year this week, down $222 billion from its peak in April and $89 billion over the last 5 weeks. This is the largest 5-week decline since July 2020. The Fed is finally starting to ramp up the pace of QT




Bloomberg estimates that Tesla has already delivered over 500,000 Model Ys this year and is on track to deliver 760,000 by the end of 2022, making it one of the 5 best selling vehicles in the world




The US Budget deficit is widening again, hitting a 6-month high of $1.375 trillion in September (YoY change)




As UK pensions dumped assets in recent weeks, CVC Credit made an unusual choice: it kicked off a sale of bonds backed by a portfolio of leveraged loans





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