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Τα Διαγράμματα της ημέρας


Καθημερινά διαγράμματα από τον κόσμο των αγορών

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"At ~20.5x forward 12 month EPS, the S&P 500 is currently in the top decile of its historical range ... [while] the cyclically adjusted P/E is in the top 4% of all readings since 1881 and it's only been surpassed in 2021, 2000, and 1929."

00:01 - 28/05/24




One of Wall Street’s last prominent bears has just capitulated and turned positive on the outlook for US stocks. Morgan Stanley’s Michael Wilson now sees the S&P 500 rising 2% by June 2025, a major about turn from his view that the benchmark will tumble 15% by Dec. Wilson’s 20%




You will lose money with equities in one out of four years. Still better than most, if not all other alternatives for long-term wealth creation.




China is experiencing its worst Property market downturn in recent history




AAPL leads the way with the largest stock buybacks in history





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