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Καθημερινά διαγράμματα από τον κόσμο των αγορών

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Asset managers remain very, very long this market, says JP Morgan.

00:01 - 30/04/24




To put things into perspective: In the US, the risk-free yield is now higher than the risky stock market yield. 10y US yields have jumped to 4.62 this week while S&P 500 earnings yield (1/PE ratio) trades at 4.21%.




Treasury Bills BIL are yielding 381% more than the S&P 500 SPY dividend. The large spread between cash & stock yields is similar to what was seen during the Dot-com bubble, a period of high stock market valuations. It's uncommon to see a spread this high over the past century




The US Money Supply fell 0.3% over the last year, a record 16th consecutive month with a YoY decline. But this is the smallest YoY decline we've seen in the last 16 months and it looks likely to turn positive again next month. The return of money printing?




Gold purchases by central banks are helping to keep prices supported, as they are now close to a record amount of purchases vs mine supply





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